Von Seiger Boss Kennel
Von Seiger Boss has been breeding World Quality German Short Haired pointers since 1976 breeding the best of the best. We have accessed and imported the best blood lines from Germany including KS Graf vom Niemen ( KS designates Kleemann Sieger ); KS Graf vom Vehner Moor; KS Onyx vom Hege Haus; KS Plato vom Niemen; KS Paul vom Niemen, vom Osterberg; along with accessing top American blood lines ( FC Uodibars Bossman, FC Lancer D, Dual Champion Glenmajor’s Dunka”s Top Boss, Dual Champion Hillhaven Hustler, VC Sharp Shooters Prairie Dancer) to combine with our von Seiger Boss NAVHDA Versatile Champions (VC ) and Dual Champions. Dual Champion, VC Ricas Babe von Seiger Boss; VC Boots von Seiger Boss; VC Tyson von Seiger Boss; VC Engelhart's Ben von Seiger Boss; OTCh Extra von Seiger Boss; Dual Champion, OTCh Belle von Seiger Boss to provide some of the finest breeding stock and puppies in North America. We ship across North America. We breed quality German Short Haired Pointers. All pups are vet checked and guaranteed healthy.
Although we consistently breed performance dogs at many levels, hunting tests and trials, show, obedience. etc. our goal is to place these puppies where they will be loved and appreciated as companions, pets, running buddies, and great family dogs.
Von Seiger Boss has been breeding and testing German Short Haired Pointers ( GSP ) since 1976. Starting with grouse hunting Dr. Don Blackburn’s Glenmajor’s Artemis out of German import Seiger’s Farina by FC Uodibars Bossman, one of the top producing field champions of the day, von Seiger Boss consistently produced Utility dogs that ran at the NAVHDA utility, Invitational/Versatile Champion ( VC ) level. Senior NAVHDA judge Jim Heard originally centred and directed the bird hunting group in the early NAVHDA Ontario Chapter that was instrumental in developing, testing, and breeding quality versatile bird hunting dogs. The group also consisted of Dr. Don Blackburn, economics professor at the University of Guelph; Dr. James Henry, veterinarian and NAVHDA senior judge; Bob Catton, district manager, Ontario Department of Natural Resources and avid bird hunter; senior NAVHDA judge Bruno Bortolin; senior NAVHDA judge Bruce Chenier also with the Department of Natural Resources; and Dan Mansell, avid hunter, GSP breeder, district manager, Ontario Department of Natural Resources. Dr. Shawn Smith, veterinarian and NAVHDA judge became involved in 1981.
This group used their dogs in truly versatile manner hunting grouse, woodcock, ducks, geese, pheasant, Hungarian partridge, and deer. There may have been a few porcupines and skunks in there too. Using the philosophy of breeding the best to the best; testing; hunting; and selecting the best for breeding stock; this group made rapid advances in producing and testing quality GSP. They produced dogs that qualified for and for the most part ran in seven of the first eight NAVHDA Versatile Champion Invitationals. They were selecting for consistent top performers.
Through selective breeding and testing, von Seiger Boss and Dr. Smith produced 3 of the first 12 GSP NAVHDA Versatile Champions; the first 2 female GSP Versatile Champions. They were Dual Champion ( VC, Ch ) Rica’s Babe von Seiger Boss and her daughter VC Boots von Seiger Boss; as well as VC Tyson von Seiger Boss and VC Engelhardt’s Ben von Seiger Boss ( Robert and Linda Engelhardt ). OTCh Extra von Seiger Boss CD, CDX ( David and Bonnie Clark ) was the Canadian Pedigree gold medal winner two years running for the top obedience GSP in Canada, and achieved Canada’s top obedience sporting dog and Canada’s #3 obedience dog all breeds in an illness shortened obedience campaign. Dual Champion ( OTCh, CH ) Tina’s Belle von Seiger Boss CD, CDX ( David and Bonnie Clark ) was also a top quality obedience performer and companion. These along with many successful utility tests and natural ability tests highlight quality.
Temperament and trainability remain center to our breeding program. Using the genes of our core von Seiger Boss line, we have accessed the genes of FC Uodibars Bossman; NFC, FC Amertals Lancer D; Dual Champion Glenmajor’s Dunka Top Boss; Dual Champion Hillhaven Hustler; VC Sharp Shooter’s Prairie Dancer; KS Graf vom Vehner Moor; KS Onyx vom Hege Haus; KS Graf vom Niemen; KS Platto vom Niemen; KS Paul vom Niemen; KS Kristin Pottsepien; vom Osterberg and more. We have built and maintained a strong female line capable of producing NAVHDA prize 1 utility dogs, future NAVHDA Versatile Champions , companions, running buddies, obedience dogs, family dogs and friends. The hunting field and NAVHDA ( North American Versatile Hunting Dog Association ) have become our primary testing, training, and selection standard along with influence from Deutsch Kurzhaar ( German ) tests and field trials. Our breeding priority has been and continues to be nose, desire, trainability, temperament, pointing, retrieving, speed, water love, coat, conformation, and color, in that order.
Our beliefs and principles remain solid
The quality of a GSP has everything to do with nose, desire, trainability, temperament, pointing, retrieving, and water love in that order at the top of the list. Coat helps protect dogs from cold, thorns, briars, etc. in the hunt field, but can’t replace desire. Thin coated dogs that blast through thorns, barbed cover, etc. are worth a lot more than great coated dogs that won’t penetrate the cover. Conformation helps a dog perform more effortlessly, gracefully with less wear and tear, long term arthritis, etc. North American conformation shows where dogs trot around the ring have very little to do with how a dog moves at a run in the field. Graceful trotters can be clumsy, ungainly, short duration runners. The German Short Hair Pointer working gait in the field is for the most part a run. White and lighter coloured dogs may be easier to see in heavier, non snow covered foliage, but colour has little to do with quality. One always questions the knowledge of prospective puppy buyers when they select for colour over quality. Colour should be the last criteria for someone looking for a quality German Short Haired Pointer.